Dear Teen, my name is Peter Walker and I am a Christian, dad, husband, etc...
Teenage years are tough - but so important! It can be hard to stand with Jesus during these years. I hope the devotionals, videos and worksheets on this page encourage you! Download the free 1Peter1:3 APP and you can read these devotionals on your phone! |
Maybe you missed out on love? Maybe you never had a father in your life, or a mother. Or maybe you did, but their relationship with each other, or with you, was not what it was supposed to be... Maybe you did things that you regret?... Maybe innocence was stolen from you? It might not be that you missed out, but that you were robbed of what you had, or should have had?
Devotional for Teens (Part 1)
Devotional for Teens (Part 2)
Jesus asked us to have faith in him. He did not just want ‘belief’, he wanted faith.
Faith is a mysterious thing. In this short booklet we’ll consider what Jesus really meant by asking us to have faith, and how to take that step of faith. At the end of this booklet there are ten journal reflections, so you can consider some words of Jesus and write down your own thoughts. |
15 Themes: There Is One God; Jesus Is God; The Scriptures; Revelation; All People; The Holy Spirit; Homosexuality; Sexual Immorality (& Sex Before Marriage); Water Baptism; Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Rules; The Gospel Message; Fasting; Apostles; God's Sovereign Will
'The heart can break in many ways and for many reasons. However, in this short booklet I am writing to you who have been hurt – sinned against, taken advantage of – by another. I am writing to the abused. The broken heart I hope to speak to is the one that was robbed by man, and now finds it hard to hope, to feel, to believe...' (excerpt from back of book)
You may be angry at God, or not believe in him at this time. Or maybe you believe in God, but have been hurt. Maybe you are a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, or of some other faith. You may be in a different place altogether, that even you cannot define… Regardless, my friend, of how you are feeling, or where you are at, the God of the Bible – from the first to the last book – welcomes you, even ‘implores’ you to ask: ‘Who is Jesus?’
Do you find it hard to separate your relationship with Jesus from your relationship with your parents? When you think of faith in Jesus, do you think – and feel – many things to do with people, and not God? Like people using the Lord’s name to get you to be disciplined, to be ‘good’, to be honest, to go to church, to tithe your money, to feel bad, to say sorry, to not really enjoy…? This booklet is purposed to help you find your own true identity in Jesus, and see just how separately and uniquely you stand – both as an individual, and as a follower of Christ.
'Earth is no longer our home nor our future. Once we belonged to this world, and it was all we had, all we could invest in and ‘build’. But now we belong to a different kingdom, we serve a different King, and we live to advance his kingdom. We have a mission now – sometimes in secret, sometimes overt – but always a mission: to build the kingdom of God.'